Getting people from around the world to answer questions for my class.
I think it is because they want to. Please tell me what you think!
I’m thinking that spiders drink blood because (where they live) they never can get lemonade, Dr. Pepper or milk. Perhaps if we left out other drinks for them, they would start a new habit?
I am a friend of Mrs. Stading…and live in North Carolina. Good luck to all my new friends in Alaska! Keep the questions coming!
Comment by Jan Hill — March 5, 2011 @ 10:21 pm | Edit This
hmmm, i guess i never thought about it it that way, because they don’t have teeth to munch the bugs they catch they use they have to drink stuff out of the inside of the bugs.
They are hungry? They are vampires?
Hmm..I think that it is because God made them with the equipment they need to suck blood; therefore, that is what they need to drink.
I think I found the answer at this Scholastic site
The cool thing is..there are more questions from kids!
-Miss Taylor
Some spiders don’t drink blood, but eat nectar…though I guess they would still drink it, instead of eating like food like most people do.
Different species of spiders eat different things. Most species trap small insects and other spiders in their webs and eat them. A few large species of spiders prey on small birds and lizards. One species is vegetarian, feeding on acacia trees. Some baby spiders eat plant nectar. In captivity, spiders have been known to eat egg yoke, bananas, marmalade, milk and sausages.
– copied from (I do not know who writes the answers to questions at the site I am citing. Tricky play on words.
What types of spiders drink blood?
I guess they will not have to have braces.